After profound thought, as the answer still eluded me, I ran to my mother and playfully asked her “Guess where this is?”
“Hmm…looks like some building in the old parts of the city because that…” she pointed to the spikes “…work on the spires is a metalwork technique that is characteristic of the city. Did you know that?” she glanced at me.
“No,” I gasped and retreated, excited.
“So, he’s being held right here in the city. But where? But I’ve still not pinpointed the correct place or building.” I thought “I guess I’ll have to scout around the Old City, where such minarets can be found.
I stepped down from the auto and took in the atmosphere of this interesting and quirky part of the city. There were always large crowds of people everywhere, not caring about the grime or damp clinging to the shops and the old, dilapidated buildings. Traffic was chaos as usual. I took another look at the photo and the flower and looked around to see if there was such a minaret nearby. Unconsciously, instead of putting these back into my purse, I transferred them to my pocket. Before I knew it, I was caught up in the rush and was carried along regardless of whether I wanted to or not. Hands were pushing each other in different directions; I was in a whirl, not knowing where I was going and not being able to extract myself from it.
Suddenly, from somewhere appeared a hand and yanked my purse away. I cried out and spotted a reason rushing through the crowd, pushing everyone aside urgently. He was wearing a dark jacket!
And he was about to board a running bus!
As nobody took notice of my yelling, I pursued him myself. Why did these things always happen to me?
With a supreme effort, I jumped into the bus, scaring the living daylights out of everyone on it. Girls don’t jump into running buses, or so they thought!
I looked around quickly and it was difficult to do so as people were moving and jumping off every second. Suddenly, a man moved at the front of the bus and my eyes caught a familiar garment- a dark jacket.
Aha! There he was- the purse-snatching criminal!
A chill ran through me as I thought- What if it had been something more serious than that? This was starting to look way more sinister. I had to find Mr. Shah and inform the police soon. And it had to be in that order, otherwise why would they believe a fourteen-year-old girl telling them such an extraordinary story?!
I spotted Dark Jacket getting off and followed suit. Furious thoughts were striking me- perhaps he had seen me with the photo and the flower and had decided to steal the purse to get rid of them! And why was he even travelling in this part of the city, where Mr. Shah was being held- this proved he was involved!
I stopped suddenly and remembered that I had put them into my pocket and not into the purse!
I scrabbled in my pockets and drew them out with a flourish. But I had lost Dark Jacket in the process.Never mind, I thought, there’ll be enough time to take care of him later on. I decided to find the building I had come to find in the first place. I looked at the photo and at the buildings, alternately, pacing the narrow streets and lanes.
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